Here is as complete as I can manage a bibliography of Bernard Narokobi. I am updating it regularly. This version is from 5 Nov 2018.
This is a dump from my research notes, so the formatting is still in rough shape and some entries may be incomplete. This will change over time as I update this. Please note that I have verified the metadata here by looking up each entry in the original paper edition. This way some of the errors of incorrect citations that exist online and are perpetuated one after the other can be avoided.
Narokobi sometimes published as Narakobi. I have not noted variations in surname spelling here but hopeful in the future I will.
Feel free to post or reuse as long as you acknowledge my authorship and let me know how Narokobi interests you!
Works by Bernard Narokobi
1973. When the Eagle Dies. Kovave 4 (2): 32-54.
1974a. The Nobility of Village Life. Catalyst: Social Pastoral Magazine for Melanesia 4 (4): 55-70.
1974b. Who Shall Take Up Peli’s Challenge? A Philosophical Contribution to the Understanding of Cargo Cults. Point,
1975a. Foundations for Nationhood. From Voyager, 34 pp According to 2010 reprint, this originally appeared under the name ‘Narakobi’. ed.
1975b. Towards a Melanesian Church. Gigibori 2 (1): 37-39.
1975c. We the People, We the Constitution. In Lo Bilong Ol Manmeri: Crime, Compensation and Village Courts. Ed. Jean Zorn and Peter Bayne. [Waigani]: University of Papua New Guinea.
1976a. Art and Nationalism. Gigibori 3 (1): 12-15.
1976b. Brideprice?. Paradise: In-Flight With Air Niugini, July.
1976c. Colonial Law: Book Review of E.P. Wolfers “Race Relations and Colonial Rule in Papua New Guinea”. Melanesian Law Journal 4 (1): 129-132.
1976d. Proposal for a Cultural Policy. From Voyager. IPNGS discussion paper #20 ed. Port Moresby: Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies.
1977a. Adoption of Western Law in Papua New Guinea. Melanesian Law Journal 5 (1): 52-69.
1977b. Western Law in the Pacific. In Customary Law in Papua New Guinea: A Case and Materials Sourcebook. Ed. David Weisbrodt. Port Moresby: [None listed]. First version of ‘adoption of Western law’ according to p. 21.
1977c. What Is Religious Experience for a Melanesian?. Point,
1978a. Brideprice? In Best of Paradise: A Selection of Stories From Air Niugini’s In-Flight Magazine. Ed. Gerald Dick. Port Moresby: Air Niugini, Advertising and Public Relations Dept. in association with R. Brown.
1978b. Law of Succession. GB OP 12 of LRCPNG ed.
1978c. Sorcery Among the East Sepiks. Law Reform Commission of Papua New Guinea Occasional Papers. Port Moresby: Papua New Guinea Government Printer.
1978d. The System of Selecting Judges of the National and Supreme Courts: A Proposal. Roger. Occasional paper of the LRCPNG 7 ed. Waigani: Law Reform Commission of Papua New Guinea.
1979. Tradition and Development. Point,
1980a. Art and Nationalism. In Voices of Independence: New Black Writing From Papua New Guinea. Ed. Ulli Beier. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press.
1980b. Divine Presence in the Pacific. Reo Pasifika: Journal of Pacific Churches Research Centre 1 (1): 68-75.
1980c. How Independent are the Courts in Papua New Guinea? The Somare/ Rooney affair. Pacific Perspective 9 (2): 12-23.
1980d. The Kingdom and Melanesian Human Struggles. Point, 47-69.
1980e. Towards a Melanesian Church. In Voices of Independence: New Black Writing From Papua New Guinea. Ed. Ulli Beier. St. Lucia: University of Queensland Press.
1980f. A Truly Noble Death. Catalyst 10 (3): 149-161.
1981a. Culture, Law, and Ideology. In Land, People, and Government: Public Lands Policy in the South Pacific, p. 1-8. Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific.
1981b. Land in the Vanuatu Constitution. In Land, People, and Government: Public Lands Policy in the South Pacific, p. 149-156. Suva: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific.
1982a. The Death of a Muruk. Bikmaus 3 (1): 72-80.
1982b. History and Movement in Law Reform in Papua New Guinea. In Law and Social Change in Papua New Guinea. Ed. David Weisbrot, Abdul Paliwala, and Akilagpa Sawyerr. Sydney: Butterworths. p. 13-24
1983a. Life And Leadership in Melanesia. Suva, Fiji; Port Moresby: Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific ; University of Papua New Guinea.
1983b. The Melanesian Way. Ed. Henry Olela. Singapore: Institute of Papua New Guinea Studies.
1983C. Strangers are My People. Bikmaus 3 (3):61-77.
1985a. Law and Custom in Melanesia. Pacific Perspective 14 (1): 17-26.
1985b. A Truly Noble Death. In Living Theology in Melanesia: A Reader. Ed. John D’Arcy May. Point. Goroka: Melanesian Institute.
1985c. What is Religious Experience for a Melanesian? In Living Theology in Melanesia: A Reader. Ed. John D’Arcy May. Point. Goroka: Melanesian Institute.
1985d. Which Way Now, Melanesia? In From Rhetoric to Reality? Papua New Guinea’s Eight Point Plan and National Goals After a Decade: Papers From the Fifteenth Waigani Seminar. Ed. Peter King, Wendy Lee, and Vincent Warakai. Hong Kong: University of Papua New Guinea Press.
1986a. Legal Pluralism: Proceedings of the Canberra Law Workshop VII. Ed. Elizabeth Minchin and Peter Sack. Canberra: Law Department, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University.
1986b. The Old and the New. In Ethics and Development in Papua New Guinea. Ed. Gernot Fugmann. Point. Goroko: Melanesian Institute.
1987. Christianity and Melanesian Cosmos: The Broken Pearls and a Newborn Shell. In The Gospel Is Not Western: Black Theologies From the Southwest Pacific. Ed. G.W. Trompf, p. 32-37. Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books.
1988a. The Concept of Ownership in Melanesia. Voyager. Melanesian Institute occasional paper #6 ed. Gorokoka: Melanesian Institute.
1988b. Family Law in Melanesia (with special reference to the arapesh). Catalyst 18 (1): 17-35.
1988c. Policy on Law and Order. WorldCat ed. Port Moresby: Ministry of Justice.
1989. Lo Bilong Yumi Yet = Law and Custom in Melanesia. Ed. Paul Roche, John May, and R G Crocombe. Incorporating Point series, no. 12. Goroka, Papua New Guinea; [Suva, Fiji]: Melanesian Institute for Pastoral and Socio-Economic Service ; University of the South Pacific.
1996. Report on the Matter of Privilege Raised by the Member for Wewak, Hon. B. Narokobi Relating to the Conduct of the Officials of the World Bank Pertaining to the Amendment to the Forestry Act. Voyager. ed. Port Moresby: National Parliament.
2000. Papua New Guinea’s Self-Image: Through a Glass Darkly. In Uncertain Paradise: Building and Promoting a Better Papua New Guinea. Ed. Nancy Sullivan. Madang: Divine Word University Press.
2001a. The Concept of Ownership in Melanesia. In Land and Churches in Melanesia: Issues and Contexts. Ed. Michael Rynkiewich. Point. Gorokoa: Melanesian Institute.
2001b. A Wind is Blowing. In Land and Churches in Melanesia: Issues and Contexts. Ed. Michael Rynkiewich. Point 25. Goroka: Melanesian Institute.
2002a. Land in Papua New Guinea . In Culture and Progress: The Melanesian Philosophy of Land and Development in Papua New Guinea. Ed. Nancy Sullivan. Madang: Divine Word University Press.
2002b. Two Seasons: A Novel. Voyager ed. Madang: Divine Word University Press.
2004. Parliamentary Reform for Good Governance. In Governance Challenges for Papua New Guinea and the Pacific Islands. Ed. Nancy Sullivan. Madang: Divine Word University Press.
2005. Leadership in PNG. Ed. Nancy Sullivan. Madang: Divine Word University Press.
2006. Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea. In Alive in Christ: The Synod for Oceania and the Catholic Church in Papua New Guinea 1998-2005. Ed. Philip Gibbs. Point. Goroka: Melanesian Institute.
2010a. The Constitutional Planning Committee, Nationalism and Vision. In Twenty Years of the Papua New Guinea Constitution. Ed. Anthony Regan, Owen Jessup, and Eric Kwa, p. 25-32. Sydney: UPNG Press and Bookshop.
2010b. Foundations for Nationhood. Voyager “Based on scarce original published in Sydney, 1975 by the author under name Bernard Narakobi” ed. Papua New Guinea: University of Papua New Guinea Press and Bookshop.
2010c. Walking the Footpaths of the Constitutional Planning Committee’s Five National Goals and Directive Principles. In Living History and Evolving Democracy. Ed. Ian Maddocks and E.P. Wolfers, p. 24-31. Port Moresby: University of Papua New Guinea Press.
2013. Death of a Muruk: A Play. Voyager. ed. Port Moresby: University of Papua New Guinea.