Vision and Mission

About With Us

Celebrate Birth, Live Well, Love Well, Have Something Good for Every Being and Die a Happy Death!

Benard Narokobi, our Melanesian philosopher stated, "Live Well, Love Well, Have Something Good for Every Persona and Die a Happy Death". Wewo Kotokay, successor of Narokobi added, "Welcome Birth" at the beginig and "Have something good for every Being" instead of  "every person".

General Vision

Human beings surrender to the reality of inter-relatedness and inter-dependence in life and living as the supreme Laws of Nature.

Specific Vision

Those who live and who come to Eloma Gardens experience and therefore appreciate life as an inter-related and inter-dependent web according to the Lore in life as understood and practiced by Melanesian tribes.

General Mission

Eloma Gardens to host the demonstration as display of inter-relationships and inter-dependence in life and living among spirits, mater, -scapes, nature, and culture.

Specific Mission

Welcome Birth, Live Well, Love Well, Have Something Good for Every Being, and Die a Happy Death by promoting the life of Social Gardening within the Eloma Gardens.

who we are: our objectives

General Objective

To bridge World One with World Four (Tribal Peoples with modern tribes) and facilitate the processes of inter-seeping between civilisations to acknowledge and appreciate each other.

Specific Objective 1

To provide a hub for inter-civilization sharing and cross-species understanding of life and living as organisms that are related to each other, inter-dependent or cannot be separated; and that separating one from the other means death.

Specific Objective 2

To invite all human beings, particularly from World Four and World Three to experience and enjoy the way of life of our human ancestors some thousands or millions of years in the past right at the centre of New Guinea Island, the place where life of tribes on the island originated.

Specific Objective 3

To organize and encourage Melanesian elders and Melanesian tribes in general to participate in conservation work across the Melanesian archipelago and promote the Melanesian Way Conservation to global conservation work.

What We Offer

We provide Edloma Gardens offer is the gardens where everyone is invited to farm in the gardens, become part of the family/clan/ tribe within the garden, and realise that “I am because we are!”, I exist because the others exist. The motto of the gardens is

our services

What We Do inside the Gardens

Living as Groups

Houses are built according to clans, tribes and Wita-Waya pairs according to Melanesian Way.

Social Gardening, Cooking & Eating

We garden, cook and eat collectively as we do in Melanesian culture.

Rituals and Festivals

We organise rituals and festivals according to the way various Melanesian tribes do.

Allowing World 5 To Evolve

Eloma Gardens has a mission to facilitate World Five to evolve and emerge as the result of our melting activities within the Gardens.